=== MailChimp for WordPress === Contributors: Ibericode, DvanKooten, hchouhan, lapzor Donate link: https://mc4wp.com/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=mailchimp-for-wp&utm_campaign=donate-link Tags: mailchimp, mc4wp, email, marketing, newsletter, subscribe, widget, mc4wp, contact form 7, woocommerce, buddypress, ibericode, mailchimp forms, mailchimp integrations Requires at least: 4.1 Tested up to: 4.7.5 Stable tag: 4.1.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html MailChimp for WordPress, the absolute best. Subscribe your WordPress site visitors to your MailChimp lists, with ease. == Description == #### MailChimp for WordPress *Adding sign-up methods for your MailChimp lists to your WordPress site should be easy. With this plugin, it finally is.* MailChimp for WordPress helps you add more subscribers to your MailChimp lists using various methods. You can create good looking opt-in forms or integrate with any other form on your site, like your comment, contact or checkout form. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZCYPnFybqU] #### Some of the MailChimp for WordPress features - Connect with your MailChimp account in seconds. - Sign-up forms which are good looking, user-friendly and mobile optimized. You have complete control over the form fields and can send anything you like to MailChimp. - Seamless integration with the following plugins: - Default WordPress Comment Form - Default WordPress Registration Form - Contact Form 7 - WooCommerce - Ninja Forms 3 - BuddyPress - MemberPress - Events Manager - Easy Digital Downloads - A multitude of available add-on plugins: - [MailChimp for WordPress Premium](https://mc4wp.com/) - [MailChimp Top Bar](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mailchimp-top-bar/) - [MailChimp Activity](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mc4wp-activity/) - [MailChimp User Sync](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mailchimp-sync/) - [Boxzilla Pop-ups](https://wordpress.org/plugins/boxzilla/) - [Captcha](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mc4wp-captcha/) - Third Party: - [WPBruiser](https://wordpress.org/plugins/goodbye-captcha/) - Well documented. Our [knowledge base](https://mc4wp.com/kb/) is updated daily. - Developer friendly. MailChimp for WordPress is built to be extensible, and comes with a [code reference for developers](http://developer.mc4wp.com/). <blockquote> <h4>Become a Premium user</h4> <p>MailChimp for WordPress has a Premium add-on which comes with several additional benefits.</p> <ul> <li>Multiple forms (with AJAX)</li> <li>Advanced MailChimp e-commerce integration for WooCommerce</li> <li>Email notifications</li> <li>An easy way to style your forms</li> <li>Detailed reports & statistics</li> </ul> <p><a href="https://mc4wp.com/features/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=mailchimp-for-wp&utm_campaign=after-features-link">View more Premium features</a></p> </blockquote> #### What is MailChimp? MailChimp is a newsletter service that allows you to send out email campaigns to a list of email subscribers. MailChimp is free for lists up to 2000 subscribers, which is why it is the newsletter-service of choice for thousands of businesses. This plugin acts as a bridge between your WordPress site and your MailChimp account, connecting the two together. If you do not yet have a MailChimp account, [creating one is 100% free and only takes you about 30 seconds](http://mailchimp.com/monkey-rewards/?utm_source=freemium_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=monkey_rewards&aid=a2d08947dcd3683512ce174c5&afl=1). == Installation == #### Installing the plugin 1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to *Plugins > New Plugin*, search for **MailChimp for WordPress** and click "*Install now*" 1. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of `mailchimp-for-wp.zip` to your plugins directory, which usually is `/wp-content/plugins/`. 1. Activate the plugin 1. Set [your MailChimp API key](https://admin.mailchimp.com/account/api) in the plugin settings. #### Configuring Sign-Up Form(s) 1. Go to *MailChimp for WP > Forms* 2. Select at least one MailChimp list to subscribe people to. 3. *(Optional)* Add more fields to your form using the **add MailChimp field** dropdown. 4. Embed a sign-up form in pages or posts by using the `[mc4wp_form]` shortcode. 5. Show a sign-up form in your widget areas using the "MailChimp Sign-Up Form" widget. 6. Show a sign-up form from your theme files by using the following PHP function. ` <?php if( function_exists( 'mc4wp_show_form' ) ) { mc4wp_show_form(); } ` #### Need help? Please take a look at the [MailChimp for WordPress knowledge base](https://mc4wp.com/kb/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=mailchimp-for-wp&utm_campaign=installation-instructions-link) first. If you can't find your answer there, please look through the [MailChimp for WordPress plugin support forums](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/mailchimp-for-wp) or start your own topic. == Frequently Asked Questions == #### More documentation More detailed documentation can be found in the [MailChimp for WordPress knowledge base](https://mc4wp.com/kb/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=mailchimp-for-wp&utm_campaign=faq). #### How to display a form in posts or pages? Use the `[mc4wp_form]` shortcode. #### How to display a form in widget areas like the sidebar or footer? Go to **Appearance > Widgets** and use the **MailChimp for WP Form** widget that comes with the plugin. #### Where can I find my MailChimp API key? [You can find your MailChimp API key here](http://kb.mailchimp.com/accounts/management/about-api-keys#Find-or-Generate-Your-API-Key) #### How to add a sign-up checkbox to my Contact Form 7 form? Use the following shortcode in your CF7 form to display a MailChimp sign-up checkbox. ` [mc4wp_checkbox "Subscribe to our newsletter?"] ` #### The form shows a success message but subscribers are not added to my list(s)? If the form shows a success message, there is no doubt that the sign-up request succeeded. MailChimp could have a slight delay sending the confirmation email though, please just be patient and make sure to check your SPAM folder. When you have double opt-in disabled, new subscribers will be seen as *imports* by MailChimp. They will not show up in your daily digest emails or statistics. [We always recommend leaving double opt-in enabled](http://blog.mailchimp.com/double-opt-in-vs-single-opt-in-stats/). #### How can I style the sign-up form? You can use custom CSS to style the sign-up form if you do not like the themes that come with the plugin. The following selectors can be used to target the various form elements. ` .mc4wp-form { ... } /* the form element */ .mc4wp-form p { ... } /* form paragraphs */ .mc4wp-form label { ... } /* labels */ .mc4wp-form input { ... } /* input fields */ .mc4wp-form input[type="checkbox"] { ... } /* checkboxes */ .mc4wp-form input[type="submit"] { ... } /* submit button */ .mc4wp-alert { ... } /* success & error messages */ .mc4wp-success { ... } /* success message */ .mc4wp-error { ... } /* error messages */ ` You can add your custom CSS to your theme stylesheet or (easier) by using a plugin like [Simple Custom CSS](https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-custom-css/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=mailchimp-for-wp&utm_campaign=after-css-link) #### I'm getting an "HTTP Error" when trying to connect to MailChimp If you're getting an `HTTP Error` when trying to connect to your MailChimp account, please contact your webhost and ask them if they have PHP CURL installed and updated to the latest version (7.40.x). Also, please ask them to allow requests to `https://api.mailchimp.com/`. #### How do I show a sign-up form in a pop-up? We recommend the [Boxzilla pop-up plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/boxzilla/) for this. You can use the form shortcode in your pop-up box to show a sign-up form. #### My question is not listed Please head over to the [MailChimp for WordPress knowledge base](https://mc4wp.com/kb/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=mailchimp-for-wp&utm_campaign=faq) for more detailed documentation. == Other Notes == #### Support Use the [WordPress.org plugin forums](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/mailchimp-for-wp) for community support where we try to help all of our users. If you found a bug, please create an issue on Github where we can act upon them more efficiently. If you're a premium user, please use the email address inside the plugin for support as that will guarantee a faster response time. Please take a look at the [MailChimp for WordPress knowledge base](https://mc4wp.com/kb/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=mailchimp-for-wp&utm_campaign=description) as well. #### Add-on plugins There are several [add-on plugins for MailChimp for WordPress](https://mc4wp.com/add-ons/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=mailchimp-for-wp&utm_campaign=description), which help you get even more out of your site. #### Translations The plugin is translated using Transifex. If you want to help out, please head over to the [translation project on Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mailchimp-for-wordpress/). #### Development MailChimp for WordPress is being developed on GitHub. If you want to collaborate, please look at [ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress](https://github.com/ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress). #### Customizing the plugin MailChimp for WordPress comes with many filter & action hooks which allow you to modify the default plugin behavior. We're also maintaining a [collection of common code snippets for MailChimp for WordPress](https://github.com/ibericode/mc4wp-snippets). == Screenshots == 1. Create beautiful sign-up forms that blend in with your theme. 2. Integrate with any other plugin out there. 3. Add a highly converting top bar form to your site. 4. Style your form with our Styles Builder (premium feature). 5. Integrate your WooCommerce store with MailChimp (premium feature). 6. Dive into detailed sign-up statistics (premium feature). == Changelog == #### 4.1.3 - May 24, 2017 **Improvements** - Randomise time of cron event that renews MailChimp lists. - Always try to show MailChimp list info when API key is given. #### 4.1.2 - May 8, 2017 **Fixes** - Use earlier hook priority for Ninja Forms 3 integration so action is registered on time. **Improvements** - Improved MailChimp list fetching & memory usage for accounts with many lists. - Show error message when fetching lists fails. - Updated plugin translations. #### 4.1.1 - April 11, 2017 **Fixes** - WPML String Translation not working with the checkbox label for sign-up integrations. **Improvements** - Use updated order methods when using WooCommerce 3.0, thanks to Liam McArthur. - Updated JavaScript dependencies. #### 4.1.0 - March 14, 2017 **Improvements** - Updated all JavaScript dependencies in the plugin. - Failsafed filter hooks to prevent invalid variable types. - Explain that greyed out integrations means that specific plugin is not activated. - Conditional form elements now uses event delegation, so it works with forms in [Boxzilla pop-ups](https://boxzillaplugin.com/). - Updated language files. **Additions** - Added support for Ninja Forms 3. - Added `mc4wp_integration_show_checkbox` filter. #### 4.0.13 - February 8, 2017 **Improvements** - Ensure fields are HTML decoded before sending to MailChimp. - Better OptimizePress compatibility. - Show all address-type fields as required when form contains 1 or more fields of the same address group. #### 4.0.12 - January 16, 2017 **Fixes** - Don't call `stripslashes` on POST data twice. **Improvements** - Plugin review notice is now dismissible over AJAX. - Improved formatting of birthday fields. - Updated Polish translations, thanks to Mateusz Lomber. - Updated German translations, thanks to Sven de Vries. **Additions** - Add `update_ecommerce_store_product` method to API class. - Throw form specific JavaScript events, like `15.subscribed` to hook into "subscribed" events for form with ID 15. #### 4.0.11 - December 9, 2016 **Fixes** - Unescaped request variable on integration settings page, allowing for authenticated XSS. Thanks to [dxwsecurity](https://security.dxw.com/) for responsibly disclosing. **Improvements** - Add `$args` parameter to `API::get_lists_activity` method. Relates to the [MailChimp Activity](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mc4wp-activity/) plugin. #### 4.0.10 - December 6, 2016 **Improvements** - You can now enable or disable debug logging from the "Other" settings page. - No longer using deprecated function in Contact Form 7, thanks to [stodorovic](https://github.com/stodorovic). - Improved UI for adding hidden interest groupings fields to a form. #### 4.0.9 - November 23, 2016 **Fixes** - Issue with escaped HTML when using form tags introduced by previous update. #### 4.0.8 - November 23, 2016 **Improvements** - Improved handling of large debug logs. - Improved error messages when writing exceptions to debug log. - Show notice when form is missing required MailChimp fields. - Custom form integration now handles arrays with 1-level depth. Thanks to [Mardari Igor](https://github.com/GarryOne). - You can now use nested tags in your form code, eg `{data key="utm_source" default="{current_path}"}` **Additions** - Add `data-hide-if` attribute logic to forms. See [conditionally hide form fields](https://mc4wp.com/kb/conditional-fields-elements/). Thanks to [Kurt Zenisek](http://kurtzenisek.com/). - Add hooks for delayed BuddyPress sign-up. Thanks to [Christian Wach](https://profiles.wordpress.org/needle). #### 4.0.7 - October 25, 2016 **Improvements** - Obfuscate all email addresses in debug log. Thanks [Sauli Lepola](https://twitter.com/SJLfi). - Ask for confirmation before disabling double opt-in, which we do not recommend. - Allow vertical resizing of debug log. - Failsafe against including JavaScript file twice. - No longer wrapping CF7 checkbox in paragraph tags. **Additions** - Added `mc4wp_form_api_error` action hook for API errors encountered by forms. - Added `element_class` argument to `[mc4wp_form]` shortcode for adding CSS classes. #### 4.0.6 - October 10, 2016 **Fixes** - Issue with lists not showing when using W3 Total Cache with APCu object cache enabled. **Improvements** - We're no longer stripping newlines from text fields. **Additions** - Added missing e-commerce related API methods to API class. #### 4.0.5 - September 29, 2016 **Fixes** - Allow checkbox option for the List Choice field (again). **Improvements** - Fetch MailChimp lists over AJAX, to speed up perceived performance (especially when your account has many lists). - Periodically fetch MailChimp lists, so cache is always fresh. - Improved `<label>` element accessibility for checkbox integrations. - Stop using double underscore prefix in function names, as these are reserved in PHP 7. - `{post}` and `{user}` shortcodes now accept a `default` parameter. **Additions** - Add [MemberPress](https://www.memberpress.com/) integration. - Add missing e-commerce related API methods for next week's [WooCommerce MailChimp e-commerce integration](https://mc4wp.com/kb/what-is-ecommerce360/) release. #### 4.0.4 - September 7, 2016 **Improvements** - Allow re-running previous migrations by visiting a certain admin URL. - Do not show checkboxes option for fields that only accept a single value. - Write field specific errors to debug log when MailChimp denies a sign-up request. - Write to debug log when custom integrations can not find an EMAIL field. - Differentiate between connection & authorization errors when testing connection to MailChimp. - Bump limit of number of MailChimp lists to fetch from 100 to 500. #### 4.0.3 - August 24, 2016 **Fixes** - Ninja Forms integration not working when using PayPal integration. **Improvements** - Show connection errors on MailChimp settings page. **Additions** - Add pre-checked option to Ninja Forms integration. - You can now [conditionally hide fields or elements](https://mc4wp.com/kb/conditional-fields-elements/) using the `data-show-if` attribute. #### 4.0.2 - August 10, 2016 **Fixes** - Hidden fields which referenced interest groups by name were not sent to MailChimp. - Adding hidden field to form would reset value on every change. **Improvements** - Decrease file size of JavaScript for forms by about 30%. #### 4.0 & 4.0.1 - August 9, 2016 This release updates the plugin to version 3 of the MailChimp API. Please [read through the upgrade guide](https://mc4wp.com/kb/upgrading-to-4-0/) before updating to make sure things keep working as expected for you. **Changes** - "Send welcome email" is now handled from your list settings in MailChimp. - Filter `mc4wp_form_merge_vars` is now called `mc4wp_form_data`. - Filter `mc4wp_integration_merge_vars` is now called `mc4wp_integration_data`. - New format for GROUPING fields in forms & filter hooks. - Value delimiter in hidden fields is now a pipe `|` character. **Additions** - New filter: `mc4wp_form_subscriber_data`. - New filter: `mc4wp_integration_subscriber_data`. - New form tag: `{cookie name="mycookie"}` **Improvements** - The plugin now communicates with the latest & greatest MailChimp API. - Previously unsubscribed subscribers can now be re-added without errors. - Add `User-Agent` header to all API requests. - Available fields in form editor are now split-up by category. - Birthday fields now accept a broader range of values and delimiters. **Fixes** - Issue with only 10 MailChimp lists / fields / interests being returned. - Incorrect form message showing when double opt-in is disabled. - Error in upgrade routine when API request fails. - List fields not fetched when list has just 1 non-default merge field. #### 3.1.12 - July 28, 2016 **Improvements** - Smarter scrolling after submitting form & reloading page. - Format output of `{subscriber_count}` tag. - You can now use `<img>` in your form messages. - Add MailChimp API error code to debug log lines. - Add plugin name + version to User-Agent header for all MailChimp API requests. - Make sure value of MC_LANGUAGE field is limited to 2 characters. #### 3.1.11 - July 5, 2016 **Improvements** - Update JavaScript dependencies for admin screens. - Test debug log & show notice when it's not writable. **Additions** - Add "placeholder" option for dropdown fields. #### 3.1.10 - June 21, 2016 **Fixes** - Styles Builder in Premium not building because of incorrect flag in core plugin. **Improvements** - Don't show position option for WooCommerce integration when sign-up is implicit. - Improvements to form previewer logic. - Make sure admin notifications are always shown exactly one time. #### 3.1.9 - June 7, 2016 **Fixes** - Placeholder polyfill wasn't loaded (only in IE8 and below). **Improvements** - Don't write to debug log if it is not writable. - Reset some CSS properties for commonly used class names in Form Editor & Debug Log. - Do not unnecessarily register styles which are then immediately enqueued. **Additions** - Add "is required field" option for dropdown & radio fields in Field Helper. - Link to [Boxzilla plugin](https://boxzillaplugin.com/) from admin sidebar. #### 3.1.8 - May 23, 2016 **Fixes** - Form Preview mode replaced all titles on that page with "Form Preview". - API class fix for [eCommerce360 functionality](https://mc4wp.com/kb/what-is-ecommerce360/). **Improvements** - Show dismissible notice when API key is not set. - Show empty API key errors in plugin log. - Friendlier error message for re-subscribe failures. **Additions** - Add `form.reset()` method to JS API. #### 3.1.7 - May 9, 2016 **Fixes** - Shortcode wasn't accepting `element_id` as a valid attribute. - Take array style fields into account when checking if a form contains a given field. **Improvements** - Nested fields will now be properly validated when they're marked as required. - If plugin is installed using Composer, autoloader won't be loaded (again). #### 3.1.6 - April 12, 2016 **Fixes** - Form event for starting a form was named `start` where it should have been `started`. **Improvements** - Some preparations for the upcoming migration to the new MailChimp API (version 3). - Consistent hook parameters for `mc4wp_form_subscribed` action. - Improved logic for rendering form response. **Additions** - New checkbox position for WooCommerce checkout integration. #### 3.1.5 - March 22, 2016 **Fixes** - Response message was shown for unsubmitted forms when using `{response}` in the form mark-up with multiple forms on the same page. **Improvements** - Scroll to form after form submission now uses native browser method `scrollIntoView()`. - Various improvements for right-to-left (RTL) sites. - The MailChimp API key is now obfuscated on the settings page. - Contact Form 7 integration now uses an early hook priority to ensure we run before any page redirects. **Additions** - Add position option for WooCommerce integration. - Add `{post}` tag whch can be used in form mark-up to fetch properties of the current page or post. #### 3.1.4 - February 29, 2016 **Fixes** - Forms with address fields never passing validation. **Improvements** - Perform type checks on global variables to prevent issues with poorly coded plugins. - Add Interest Category ID to list overview table for easier debugging. - Updated Russian translations. #### 3.1.3 - February 17, 2016 **Fixes** - Issue with API array responses (for the [MailChimp Activity add-on](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mc4wp-activity/), for example). **Improvements** - Updated Dutch, Portugese, Spanish and Italian translations. #### 3.1.2 - February 15, 2016 **Fixes** - Form JavaScript not working when another plugins loads Dojo framework. - [ENTER] not submitting form settings or creating new-line. - Internal fields marked as required not passing form validation. - Deselecting all MailChimp lists wouldn't persist after saving form settings. - No sign-up request firing for lists with only an `EMAIL` field. **Improvements** - Show accepted choice values for dropdown and radio fields in lists overview. - Use all MailChimp lists for Lists Choice field, instead of just the selected ones. - Failsafed JavaScript for when any other script loads RequireJS globally. **Additions** - Added support for [Shortcake](https://wordpress.org/plugins/shortcode-ui/) plugin. - Error message for when no list is selected can now be customized from the form message settings. #### 3.1.1 - February 1, 2016 **Fixes** - Field Helper not adding `type` attribute when building forms. - Field Helper not setting the correct `value` attribute for Hidden Groups. **Improvements** - Add sourcemaps to minified JavaScript files. - Add link to article on how to enable debug logging. - Field Helper now always shows both placeholder and value fields. #### 3.1 - January 26, 2016 **Fixes** - `<input>` fields being stripped from form when saving as a role other than "superadmin" on MultiSite installations. - Certain actions like "renew lists" not working for users other than admin (if they have explicit access to settings pages). **Improvements** - Show Akamai firewall reference number when site's IP address is blocked - Make sure integrations have a MailChimp list selected before trying to subscribe. - Move less important settings to "Other" page. - When a field is required in MailChimp, it has to be required in forms as well now. - Allow including a `_mc4wp_email_type` field in forms to set an explicit email type. - Miscellaneous overall performance improvements. **Additions** - Added [debug logging](https://mc4wp.com/kb/how-to-enable-log-debugging/), which shows all warnings & errors the plugin encountered in communicating with MailChimp. - Add `get_lists_for_email( $email )` method to API class. - Add `MC4WP_Queue` class for better background processing of expensive operations. #### 3.0.12 - January 15, 2016 **Fixes** - Incorrect hooks being fired for successful and unsuccessful form sign-ups (which also broke the success redirect). #### 3.0.11 - January 14, 2016 **Improvements** - Allow splitting up "birthday" and "date" fields into separate fields with `day`, `month` and `year` index. - Improved algorithm for finding fields when integrating with Contact Form 7 or other custom forms. - Ninja Forms integration can now automatically find name-fields. - Ninja Forms integration can now use `mc4wp-` prefixed admin labels. **Additions** - `add_ecommerce_order()` and `delete_ecommerce_order()` methods to API class. #### 3.0.10 - January 6, 2016 **Fixes** - 500 server error for "already subscribed" on Windows servers. - Incorrect HTML being generated for hidden fields. - Duplicate sign-up request when using CF7 integration. **Improvements** - Stop logging "already subscribed" errors to PHP's error log. - Simplify `pattern` attribute for `date` fields. - Remove invalid `autofill` attribute from honeypot field. #### 3.0.9 - December 17, 2015 **Fixes** Not being able to select a list when creating a new form. #### 3.0.8 - December 15, 2015 **Fixes** - Make sure `mc4wp_show_form()` works without passing a form ID. **Improvements** - Remove UI for bulk-enabling integrations, as every integration needs specific settings anyway. - Do not print inline JavaScript for forms until it's surely needed. - Add `position` key to `mc4wp_admin_menu_items` filter to set a menu position. - Various minor code improvements. #### 3.0.7 - December 10, 2015 **Fixes** Workaround for [SSL certification bug in WordPress 4.4](https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/34935), affecting servers with an older versions of OpenSSL installed. **Additions** Added `mc4wp_use_sslverify` filter to disable or explicitly enable SSL certificate verification. #### 3.0.4 - December 7, 2015 **Fixes** - Fixes compatibility issues with add-on plugins performing validation, like Goodbye Captcha and BWS Captcha. **Improvements** - Now using group ID's for interest grouping fields, so changing the group in MailChimp does not require updating your form code. - Never load enabled integrations which are not installed. - Reintroduce support for automatically sending `OPTIN_IP` **Additions** - Add filter: `mc4wp_form_data`, filters form data before it is processed. #### 3.0.3 - November 30, 2015 **Fixes** - Added backwards compatibility for [Goodbye Captcha](https://wordpress.org/plugins/goodbye-captcha/) integration. **Improvements** - Prevented notice when saving Form widget settings for the first time. - Add `autofill="off"` to honeypot field. - Remove nonces from forms as they're not really useful for publicly available features. - Errors returned by MailChimp are now logged for Forms as well. - Pre-select MailChimp list if there's just one list in the connected account. - Added missing translation calls for Form Editor. #### 3.0.2 - November 25, 2015 **Fixes** - Redirect on success not working. - Forms overview page redirected to main WP Admin page (edge case). - Safari was always showing the leave-page confirmation dialog. **Improvements** - Add form-specific classes to preview form element. This allows the [Styles Builder](https://mc4wp.com/features/) to work with the Form Preview. - Form events are now triggered _after_ the page has finished loading, so all scripts are loaded & ready to use. - Reset background-color in Form Themes stylesheets. #### 3.0.0 & 3.0.1 - November 23, 2015 Version 3.0 is a total revamp of the plugin. For a quick overview of the changes, please [read this post on our blog](https://mc4wp.com/blog/whats-new-in-mailchimp-for-wordpress-the-big-three-o/). Before upgrading, please go through the [upgrade guide](https://mc4wp.com/kb/upgrading-to-3-0/) as some things have changed. **Breaking Changes** - Captcha fields: `{captcha}` field is now handled by the [Captcha add-on plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mc4wp-captcha/). - New dynamic content tags syntax: `{data_NAME}` is now `{data key="NAME"}` - Event binding: `jQuery(document).on('subscribe.mc4wp','.mc4wp-form', function(){ ... })` is now `mc4wp.forms.on('subscribed', function(form) { ... })` - Removed integrations: MultiSite & bbPress. **Improvements** - New form editor with syntax highlighting, more advanced field options & better visual feedback. - Better support for MailChimp `address` fields. - Better support for choice fields (eg groupings, list choice & country fields). - All fields marked as `required` are now validated server-side as well (instead of just MailChimp required fields). - All integrations have their own settings page now. - Events Manager: checkbox is now automatically added to booking forms. - Tons of usability & accessibility improvements. - Tons of code improvements: improved memory usage, 100+ new unit tests & better usage of various best practices. - The [premium plugin](https://mc4wp.com/) is now an add-on of this plugin. **Additions** - New "Preview Form" option, showing unsaved form changes. - Integrations can now be "implicit", thus no longer showing a checkbox option to visitors. - New JavaScript API, replacing jQuery event hooks. - Ninja Forms integration - Introduced various new filter & action hooks, please see the new [code reference for developers](http://developer.mc4wp.com/) for more information. #### 2.3.18 - November 2, 2015 **Fixes** - Incorrect number of parameters for `error_log` statement in integrations class. **Improvements** - Usage tracking is now scheduled once a week (instead of daily). - Preparations for [the upcoming MailChimp for WordPress version 3.0 release](https://mc4wp.com/blog/breaking-backwards-compatibility-in-version-3-0/). - Tested compatibility with WordPress 4.4 #### 2.3.17 - October 22, 2015 **Fixes** - Honeypot field being autofilled in Chrome, causing a form error. **Improvements** - Updated Portugese translations. #### 2.3.16 - October 14, 2015 **Fixes** - Error in Russian translation, causing a broken link on the MailChimp settings page. **Improvements** - Textual improvements to MailChimp settings page. - Connectivity issues with MailChimp will now _always_ show an error message. - Renewing MailChimp lists will now also update the output of the `{subscriber_count}` tag. #### 2.3.15 - October 9, 2015 **Fixes** - Fixes JS error when form contains no submit button **Improvements** - Only prefix `url` fields with `http://` if it is filled. - Updated Spanish & Catalan translations, thanks to [Xavier Gimeno Torrent](http://www.xaviergimeno.net/). - Fix `mc4wp_form_before_fields` being applied twice. - Position honeypot field to the right for Right-To-Left sites. - `_mc4wp_lists` can now be a comma-separated string of MailChimp list ID's to subscribe to (or an array). - Minor other defensive coding improvements to prevent clashes with other plugins. **Additions** - Added opt-in usage tracking to help us make the plugin better. No sensitive data is tracked. #### 2.3.14 - September 25 **Fixes** - Use of undefined constant in previous update. #### 2.3.13 - September 25, 2015 **Fixes** - Honeypot causing horizontal scrollbar on RTL sites. - List choice fields not showing when using one of the default form themes. **Improvements** - Minor styling improvements for RTL sites. - MailChimp list fields of type "website" will now become HTML5 `url` type fields. - Auto-prefix fields of type `url` with `http://` #### 2.3.12 - September 21, 2015 **Fixes** - Issue with interest groupings not being fetched after updating to version 2.3.11 #### 2.3.11 - September 21, 2015 **Fixes** - Honeypot field being filled by browser's autocomplete. - Styling issue for submit buttons in Mobile Safari. - Empty response from MailChimp API **Improvements** - Do not query MailChimp API for interest groupings if list has none. - Integration errors are now logged to PHP's error log for easier debugging. **Additions** - You can now use shortcodes in the form content. #### 2.3.10 - September 7, 2015 **Fixes** - Showing "not connected" when the plugin was actually connected to MailChimp. - Issue with `address` fields when `addr1` was not given. - Comment form checkbox not outputted for some older themes. **Improvements** - Do not flush MailChimp cache on every settings save. - Add default CSS styles for `number` fields. - Placeholders will now work in older version of IE as well. #### 2.3.9 - September 1, 2015 **Improvements** - MailChimp lists cache is now automatically flushed after changing your API key setting. - Better field population after submitting a form with errors. - More helpful error message when no list is selected. - Translate options when installing plugin from a language other than English. - Add form mark-up to WPML configuration file. - Sign-up checkbox in comment form is now shown before the "submit comment" button. - URL-encode variables in "Redirect URL" setting. - Better error message when connected to MailChimp but account has no lists. **Additions** - Add `mc4wp_form_action` filter to set a custom `action` attribute on the form element. #### 2.3.8 - August 18, 2015 **Fixes** - Prevented JS error when outputting forms with no submit button. - Using `0` as a Redirect URL resulted in a blank page. - Sign-up checkbox was showing twice in the Easy Digital Downloads checkout when showing registration fields, thanks [Daniel Espinoza](https://github.com/growdev). - Default form was not automatically translated for languages other than English. **Improvements** - Better way to hide the honeypot field, which stops bots from subscribing to your lists. - role="form" is no longer needed, thanks [XhmikosR](https://github.com/XhmikosR)! - Filter `mc4wp_form_animate_scroll` now disables just the scroll animation, not the scroll itself. - Revamped UI for MailChimp lists overview - Updated German & Greek translations. **Additions** - Added `mc4wp_form_is_submitted()` and `mc4wp_form_get_response_html()` functions. #### 2.3.7 - July 13, 2015 **Improvements** - Use the same order as MailChimp.com, which is useful when you have over 100 MailChimp lists. - Use `/* ... */` for inline JavaScript comments to prevent errors with minified HTML - props [Ed Gifford](https://github.com/egifford) **Additions** - Filter: `mc4wp_form_animate_scroll` to disable animated scroll-to after submitting a form. - Add `{current_path}` variable to use in form templates. - Add `default` attribute to `{data_name}` variables, usage: `{data_something default="The default value"}` #### 2.3.6 - July 6, 2015 **Fixes** - Undefined index notice when visitor's USER_AGENT is not set. **Improvements** - Relayed the browser's Accept-Language header to MailChimp for auto-detecting a subscriber's language. - Better CSS for form reset - Updated HTML5 placeholder polyfill #### 2.3.5 - June 24, 2015 **Fixes** - Faulty update for v3.0 appearing for people running GitHub updater plugin. **Improvements** - Updated language files. - Now passing the form as a parameter to `mc4wp_form_css_classes` filter. #### 2.3.4 - May 29, 2015 **Fixes** - Issue with GROUPINGS not being sent to MailChimp **Improvements** - Code preview in Field Builder is now read-only #### 2.3.3 - May 27, 2015 **Fixes** - Get correct IP address when using proxy like Cloudflare or Sucuri WAF. - Use strict type check for printing inline CSS that hides honeypot field **Improvements** - Add `contactemail` and `contactname` to field name guesses when integrating with third-party form. - Re-enable `sslverify` #### 2.3.2 - May 12, 2015 **Fixes** - Groupings not being sent to MailChimp - Issue when using more than one `{data_xx}` replacement **Improvements** - IE8 compatibility for honeypot fallback script. #### 2.3.1 - May 6, 2015 **Fixes** - PHP notice in `includes/class-tools.php`, introduced by version 2.3. #### 2.3 - May 6, 2015 **Fixes** - The email address is no longer automatically added to the Redirect URL as this is against Google Analytics policy. To add it again, use `?email={email}` in your Redirect URL setting. - Registration type integrations were not correctly picking up on first- and last names. - JavaScript error in IE8 because of `setAttribute` call on honeypot field. - API class `subscribe` method now always returns a boolean. **Improvements** - Add `role` attribute to form elements - Major code refactoring for easier unit testing and improved code readability. - Use Composer for autoloading all plugin classes (PHP 5.2 compatible) - You can now use [form variables in both forms, messages as checkbox label texts](https://mc4wp.com/kb/using-variables-in-your-form-or-messages/). **Additions** - You can now handle unsubscribe calls with our forms too. - Added Portugese, Indonesian, German (CH) and Spanish (PR) translations. #### 2.2.9 - April 15, 2015 **Fixes** - Menu item for settings page not appearing on Google App Engine ([#88](https://github.com/ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress/issues/88)) **Improvements** - Updated Italian, Russian & Turkish translations. [Want to help translate the plugin? Full translations get a free Pro license](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mailchimp-for-wordpress/). #### 2.2.8 - March 24, 2015 **Fixes** - API key field value was not properly escaped. - Background images were stripped from submit buttons. **Improvements** - Better sanitising of all settings - Updated all translations **Additions** - Added `mc4wp_before_checkbox` and `mc4wp_after_checkbox` filters to easily add more fields to sign-up checkbox integrations. - Added some helper methods related to interest groupings to `MC4WP_MailChimp` class. - Allow setting custom MailChimp lists to subscribe to using `lists` attribute on shortcode. #### 2.2.7 - March 11, 2015 **Fixes** - Honeypot field was visible for themes or templates not calling `wp_head()` and `wp_footer()` **Improvements** - Various minor code improvements - Updated German, Spanish, Brazilian, French, Hungarian and Russian translations. **Additions** - Added [mc4wp_form_success](https://github.com/ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress/blob/06f0c833027f347a288d2cb9805e0614767409b6/includes/class-form-request.php#L292-L301) action hook to hook into successful sign-ups - Added [mc4wp_form_data](https://github.com/ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress/blob/06f0c833027f347a288d2cb9805e0614767409b6/includes/class-form-request.php#L138-L142) filter hook to modify all form data before processing #### 2.2.6 - February 26, 2015 **Fixes** - CSS reset wasn't working for WooCommerce checkout sign-up checkbox. - `mc4wp-submitted` class was not added in IE8 - Incorrect `action` attribute on form element for some server configurations **Improvements** - Anti-SPAM improvements: a better honeypot field and a timestamp field to prevent instant form submissions. - Reset `background-image` on submit buttons when using CSS themes - Smarter email detection when integrating with third-party forms - Updated all translations **Additions** - Custom fallback for browsers not supporting `input[type="date"]` #### 2.2.5 - February 13, 2015 **Fixed** - Issue where WooCommerce checkout sign-up was not working for cheque payments. - Translation were loaded too late to properly translate some strings, like the admin menu items. **Improvements** - The presence of required list fields in form mark-up is now checked as you type. - Number fields will now repopulate if an error occurred. - Updated all translations. - Make sure there is only one plugin instance. - Various other code improvements. **Additions** - Added support for [GitHub Updater Plugin](https://github.com/afragen/github-updater). - You can now specify whether you want to send a welcome email (only with double opt-in disabled). A huge thank you to [Stefan Oderbolz](http://metaodi.ch/) for various fixed and improvements related to translations in this release. #### 2.2.4 - February 4, 2015 **Fixed** - Textual fix as entering "0" for no redirection does not work. **Improvements** - Moved third-party scripts to their own directory for easier exclusion - All code is now adhering to the WP Code Standards - Updated [Dutch, German, Spanish, Hungarian, French, Italian and Turkish translations](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/mailchimp-for-wordpress/). **Additions** - Now showing a heads up when at limit of 100 MailChimp lists. ([#71](https://github.com/ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress/issues/71)) - Added `wpml-config.xml` file for better WPML compatibility - Added filter `mc4wp_menu_items` for adding & removing menu items from add-ons #### 2.2.3 - January 24, 2015 Minor improvements and additions for compatibility with the [MailChimp Sync plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mailchimp-sync/). #### 2.2.2 - January 13, 2015 **Fixes** - Plugin wasn't connecting to MailChimp for users on MailChimp server `us10` (API keys ending in `-us10`) #### 2.2.1 - January 12, 2015 **Improvements** - Use JS object to transfer lists data to Field Wizard. - Field Wizard strings are now translatable - Add `is_spam` method to checkbox integration to battle spam sign-ups - Minor code & code style improvements - Updated Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Portugese (Brazil) translations **Additions** - You can now set `MC_LOCATION`, `MC_NOTES` and `MC_LANGUAGE` from your form HTML - The submit button now has a default value when generating HTML for it #### 2.2 - December 9, 2014 **Fixes** - "Select at least one list" notice appearing when unselecting any MailChimp list in Form settings - If an error occurs, textareas will no longer lose their value **Improvements** - Improved the way form submissions are handled - Minor code & documentation improvements - Updated Dutch, French, Portugese and Spanish translations **Additions** - Added sign-up checkbox integration for [WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/) checkout. - Added sign-up checkbox integration for [Easy Digital Downloads](https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-digital-downloads/) checkout. - The entered email will now be appended to the URL when redirecting to another page == Upgrade Notice == = 3.0.3 = Minor improvements and re-added support for Goodbye Captcha integration.